Our Services

Rangin-Kaman-Sepid has two groups of clients. One group has the membership of the institute and just benefit from the touring plans and monthly meetings. The other group regularly attends the institute and actively participates in the educational classes and programs.

This center offer different programs to its members including

–         Literature : Reading Stories & Creative Writing

–         Literacy program to educate illiterate seniors

–         Reading the Holy Book, Quran

–          English Language

–         Painting

–         Computer

–         Yoga

–         Health & Nutrition

–         Counseling Circles & Groups

–         Research Activities

–         Art Exhibitions to show the seniors’ artworks

All these programs and activities are documented (as videos, films, photos, and reports) and available for the members of the institute. Our purpose is to create a safe, happy and active atmosphere for the seniors of our city to get together, learn, teach and accompany each other.

You can contribute and help us to grow and improve our institute through innovative suggestions and ideas, your active collaboration, donation, professional consultation, English translation of our reports and documents, Farsi translation of original and useful resources, and publication of RanginKamaneSepid works.